
How English suffixes work

English, at times, reminds the designer, from smaller details of which, connecting them together, it is possible to build larger words and phrases.
Make a list of the words that you want to learn. Take a few pieces from your list 10 - 15 words a week - this is the optimal speed of memorization. And work out, making up stories with this word.
Let it be, for example, the verb develop. what can we do with him? Much. For example, make up such a story.

Noun to Adjective:-ful (helpful, meaningful)-less (wireless, homeless)-ic (classic, poetic)-ly (daily, monthly)-ous (famous, nervous)Adjective to Noun:-ness (happiness, usefulness)-ity (cruelty, brutality)-ion (complexion)Noun to Verb:-ify (beautify, clarify)Verb to Noun:-ment (development, amazement)-ion (creation, designation)-ee (employee, referee)-er/-or (driver, editor)-al (arrival, referral)Verb to Adjective:-ful (useful, forgetful)
-able (doable, flexible)
-ive (active, productive)Adjective to Verb:​-en (harden, soften)

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