
This Is How These 10 Famous Products Looked at the Time of Invention

This Is How These 10 Famous Products Looked at the Time of Invention
Whenever a scientist invents something, the invention becomes everything for him as he not just spends his money and time on it, but also his energy. And the first invention always remains close to the person's heart.
These machineries contribute to the most crucial part of our daily routine today. But even you know that when they were first invented, they were nothing like what they are today. And this is exactly what we are going to review here.
After looking at the first picture of these famous products, you are going to thank God for not letting you take birth at that time or else you would have to use such basic level products.
So let's have a look at the first pictures of these popular products.
#1. The first Apple computer

Today, buying an Apple product or using an iPhone is a dream for many people.
But look, this is how the first Apple computer looked. It was named Apple-I and released by the Apple Computer Company (now Apple Inc.) in 1976.
#2. First car by Ford

One of the most trusted car brands of the current generation is Ford. According to the sources, this is how its first car 'original Ford Model A' used to look.
#3. The first television by Samsung

Samsung televisions are now way slimmer. They created their first invention 'P-3202' and this is how it used to look.
#4. The first version of Windows

Today, Windows is everywhere, but this is how it looked when it first came into the world.
#5. The first Siemens telephone

This is how the first Siemens mobile phone looked, it was called 'Mobiltelefon C1.'
#6. The first Canon camera

The first camera by canon was named Kwanon.
#7. The first Harley

I love the sound of a Harley Davidson motorcycle. This is how its first model looked like.
#8. The first HP laptop

#9. First camera by Sony

Used in the majority of production houses, Sony, when launched its first video camera, HVC- F1, this is how it used to look.
#10. The first ever iPhone

Among one of the most expensive tech products of current scenario is an iPhone. This is how its first model looked like.
That's all folks. I hope you liked the story.

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